Thursday 9 October 2008

The achievement of a lifetime dream

The state-sponsored Caricatura Museum in Frankfurt is to become a shrine to the country's humour, satire and comic art, which have so far remained largely unknown to the international public. The project is the "fulfilment of a life-long dream" for its curator, Achim Frenz, who is hoping to shatter the stereotype of the humourless German.

Good luck with that.

However he admitted: "We have only just opened the museum because until now we didn't have enough comedy to put in it."

No shit, Sherlock!


Old Holborn said...

Hold on

"However his museum is already courting controversy. Its first event, on Oct 18, is to be a Mohammed lookalike competition, an initiative which the country's three million Muslims are unlikely to find amusing"

Now THAT'S funny

Anonymous said...

I hope they do Hitler lookalike afterwards..

Anonymous said...

"We have only just opened the museum because until now we didn't have enough comedy to put in it."

That was a joke.. oh, don't we love their humour!

Anonymous said...

Agh Der German Humour Jokes Ya:

-One day the Pope answers the door of the Vatican and sees a group of men. One of them asks him if there are any dwarf nuns in the Vatican.

He says there are not.

The stranger than asks if there any dwarf nuns in Rome. The pope says yes so the man goes away satisfied.

Q. How do you tell if a tank is made by Italians?

A. You take a note of the model and look it up in a reference book.

Q. Why was the blonde staring at the orange juice carton?

A. Because she was reading the ingredients label.