Wednesday 12 November 2008

Prime Mentalist's Questions

I must be a masochist. Why do I take the trouble to listen to this cockmonger snuffling on like a drooling mong window licker?

Today Call Me Dave really showed him up as a waffling cock-monger. As Guido says:

Asked a straight forward question about the death of Baby P he went into a prepared answer full of bureaucratic jargon. His tone was really off key and made worse when he made a cheap partisan allegation.

And completely failed to apologise for his appalling behaviour.

Mandelsnake is doing a good job, but you can only polish a turd so far.

(Loved Michael Spicer's question: "What was the economic theory behind the end to boom and bust?")

Update: Machiavelli reckons he's a psychopath. I can't disagree.

Update 2: Iain Dale finds the Gorgon shameful.

Update 3: Unenlightened Commentary finds Gorgon despicable.

Update 4: Bobshead Revisted thinks he's a nasty little man.

Update 5: Daily Referendum wonders how low Gorgon can go?

Update 6: I've trawled the left-wing blogosphere, and I find very little condemnation indeed of Gorgon's appalling behaviour. In fact, they seem to be ignoring it completely. Perhaps they're hoping nobody noticed?

Update 7: I was wrong, even on the left, they are appalled.

Update 8: Fraser Nelson has a slightly more dispassionate analysis. He's probably right.


Bristol Dave said...

I loved today's PMQs. Cameron was getting properly angry. Great to watch, and showed Brown up to be a right mong.

Anonymous said...

Gordon Brown really does view everything, even the death of a baby, as an opportunity of party point scoring.

Bob's Head Revisited said...

Cameron asked a perfectly good question, and all that thieving, arrogant, wonky-eyed poltroon responded with was meaningless flangewaffle, while the spaccerfest behind him cheered on.


Leg-iron said...

There is one who agrees with the Brown Gorgon.

Guess who?

He complains that the criminals don't get the blame they deserve, and completely fails to realise that everyone has been telling him that for years.

A Righteous case study, on one blog.

(Unbelievable. Word ver. is 'aworria')