Monday 8 December 2008


In the car park of Tesco this morning. Pulled into an empty bay, only to find that the fuckwit opposite had stopped halfway into my bay. Guy next to me was leaving, so I pulled back and slid into that bay instead.

Only to cop an earful from some overglammed tart in a fucking Landcruiser, who decided that she should have had the bay I wanted to park in. She started driving into the bay I'd recently vacated, wound down her window and asked me in a very supercilious way why I'd swapped bays. I told her about the badly parked kebab and she looked at me and said "that's really pathetic."

I raised my eyebrows and told her to fuck off, and walked off. As I walked into Tesco, I looked back at where she was rolling back and forth trying to get into the bay. I noticed that when I got out of Tesco, she'd given up and gone and parked somewhere else.

I guess it wasn't so pathetic that you actually managed to get your car in there, did you? Cunt!


Trixy said...

Probably first time someone's actually told her to fuck off. Sounds like she needs to hear it more often. I've taken to telling people what I actually think. Such as "put one foot in front of the other snd just fucking walk." Or "can you not hold your meeting in front of the ticket barrier, you moron?"

Very satisfying.

Furry Conservative said...

I do dislike having to tell people to fuck off, but sometimes there is simply no alternative.

Some c*nt insisted in throwing some sort of frisbee at me yesterday morning. I was hung over, and this over-exuberant twat kept on wanting to throw this thing at/to me. Naturally, my response was to tell him to fuck off.

Leg-iron said...

'Pathetic' is the one that does it for me. That's guaranteed a display of the jagged remains of my teeth and a tirade of imaginative abuse.

I have an advantage in this PC world though, one I delight in taking full advantage of. When I grunt 'Get out of the fucking way, shitstick', they always do. They want to hit me, I can see it in their eyes, but the CCTV will catch them and they know it.

Hey, crips on Espresso are not to be messed with ;)

If I had a car I'd dump it in front of the shop and defy the security guards to say anything. Bet they wouldn't.

Dick Puddlecote said...

Some people simply can't cope with being surrounded by others. They believe everyone should conform with the way they live their life. Hence the ban mentality. I don't like it, so ban it.

I'm lucky that Mrs Puddlecote didn't tell me, till we were on the tube home, about a couple of wankers at Hammersmith Apollo tonight who sneered each time one of our group of 5 went to the bar or loo or for a fag (during the two 30 minute stage breaks). They had to stand up you see, and they didn't like it. They'd have received a foul-mouthed tirade if I'd not been too busy with actually enjoying what we'd paid £37 each for.

Apparently, while the entire circle was up dancing at the end, they were still there, arms folded, tutting in disapproval cos they couldn't see.

Arrogant, selfish, righteous cunts.

Anonymous said...

O/T - A friend in Oz spotted this comment on the Guardian's report on a theme park called Spooky World.

'I took my lad to a Halloween theme park called Spooky World the other year.

It was a farm.

The "Ghost Train" involved sitting on a trailer behind a tractor with about 20 hyperactive kids and a dozen fractious parents, getting pulled through some trees. There were an assortment of mannequins hanging from the tree with knives sticking out of their bodies like a no-budget chamber of horrors.

Just as it was all over and you were thinking 'well that was a bit crap' a screaming maniac in a hockey mask with a whirring chainsaw came bursting out of the trees chasing towards us and trying to jump on the back of the trailer.

At least half the kids and several of the adults instantly started howling inconsolably and a thin layer of piss and shit lapped at our feet.

Brilliant, it was.'

My correspondent very flatteringly adds, "This could almost be your own work."

I wish.

King Athelstan said...

Ib fully support telling obnoxious harridans to fuck off. Once at RAF Laarbruch I told some hideous bat of a civil servant, who was giving Me the primary schoolteacher treatment over being parked in Her space, (i wasn't even the driver,)to go and blow it out of Her arse. Regrettably my Co did not see My point of view.