Monday 8 December 2008

Gorgon's whips fuck the debate

Yep, off we go: debate curtailed thanks to heavy whipping, committee filled with Labour's crack Grogon-fellaters, rumours of dynastic bribes for the useless fucking speaker. I'm glad I wasn't able to watch it on TV. My neighbours might have called the council in.


Leg-iron said...

It was, predictably, a waste of time. The Brown Gorgon allows no dissent and Cuddly Dave isn't up to providing any.

So the Glasgow Speaker 'Wa fuck ye, ye spaz, where's me Buckfast ya bastarrd. See me, tae ma moo, mair swallae the noo, and ye're gettin' it in the heid by the way pal' remains in his stupor for as long as the Brown Bottle holds his cheap booze ticket.

If only the Cameron would recognise what he's really up against here.

This isn't Eton, Dave. It's the Gorbals. Drop the Queensbury rules, man!

Letters From A Tory said...

Yup, it was a con. They only won the vote with a massive whipping operation - how tragic.