Wednesday 3 December 2008

What's the fucking point?

Why the cunting fuck would you bother to give a speech any more? I see the Queen's speech has already been leaked to fuck. And there's a lot of it I really don't like:

The Prime Minister's slate for 2009, will focus on boosting a sliding housing market and encouraging banks to lend to credit-starved firms.

Banks will also face huge fines for failing to treat their customers fairly, with ministers making the current voluntary code of practice legally binding.

The move follows concerns that institutions are flouting their own guidelines amid the fallout from the credit crunch.

Well, duh! The guidelines were written in a much more certain time. As the great hero of the fiscal stimulators wrote: "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"

Small businesses claim terms and conditions for loans and overdrafts are being unilaterally changed at short notice, leaving them at risk of running out of cash.

Well, yeah. But if the banks don't revise their approach to risk, then they will get arsefucked. Why is that so hard to understand?

The new statutory banking code will be policed by the Financial Services Authority, with firms breaking the rules facing unlimited fines, The Independent reported.

Great. That's going to help everyone, isn't it?

Police will be given powers to stop people on the street and demand proof of identity - even if there are no grounds to suspect they have committed an offence.

Dude, What The Fucking FUCK? "Papers please!" Jesus H. Christ on a trike!

On the other hand, there is some good news:

Welfare measures include a new "one-strike" rule for benefit cheats which would mean fraudsters could lose their entitlements for four weeks.

These plans will form part of a drive towards "fairness" - which will also see immigrants forced to learn English before becoming citizens and asked to contribute to the cost of pressure on local public services.

Those found to have offended will face tougher community payback schemes which require them to wear high visibility bibs.

That last one is just petty, dog-whistle cockmongering. In fact, I suspect they all are.

Business Secretary Lord Mandelson is thought be behind many of these changes, including a U-turn on banning cigarette displays after fears it would hit small retailers.

How about removing the smoking ban entirely, while you're about it, cunts?

A communications data Bill, paving the way for a massive database of phone calls and emails, and a heritage protection Bill are also said to have been scrapped to make way for economic measures.


In the meantime, I wonder who is going to be arrested for leaking this?


Mark Wadsworth said...

Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

At least someone will profit from the misery.

Word verification = exual

Is there a character assassination goin on around here?

Trixy said...

Stop and fucking search for no reason?

Are we all to carry round our fucking passports or just have bar codes tattooed on our forearms?

word ver:

It used to be.

Anonymous said...

off-topic, but how do I spoil my ballot paper on your side-bar vote, Obo? Why have you made respectable web users google images of a bunch of mingers? Is this your idea of fun?

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Is this your idea of fun?

Oh yes! :o)

Anonymous said...

Stop and fucking search for no reason ? ... Are we all to carry round our fucking passports or just have bar codes tattooed on our forearms ?

NOPE - that'll be foreheads, not forearms ...

Anonymous said...

The help for small business is needed for a simple reason.
When you do a deal, you can't go and change that deal later because it suits you to - this is what the banks are currently doing - and it is wrong.

Of course, nobody cares for small business