Monday 29 December 2008


Just ... why?

Anthony Duggan, head of fire services at the LGA, said: "The fire service needs to be representative of the area it serves.

"It is important that the fire service attracts more women and ethnic minorities so that it can work more effectively in partnership with local authorities and other organisations to meet the needs of local people."

So, fuckwit, if my area is populated by aging pensioners, you reckon the firemen have to employed loads of old duffers? No. This is just some fatuous fuckmongering by another unelected bunch of thieving cunts who want to steal more money from the taxpayer.





Bob's Head Revisited said...

I must admit, if I were a black, one-legged, midget Muslim lesbian crawling out of the 6th floor window of a burning building and saw that the blanket below was being held by eight two-legged, tall white men, I'd still do my best to jump, rather than burn to death. But that'd just me being presumptious.

Maybe I'd feel that my potential rescuers weren't representative enough, and I'd happily burn to fucking death just to spite the sexist, heightist, racist bastards.

Prodicus said...

If this is official policy I'm glad I don't live in Eastbourne.

DavidNcl said...

Your right to point out that it is absurd, for it is. But the vital question you pose as a title to your piece is unanswered.

This is the key task that confronts us. To be able to explain rationally and coolly why the modern Ruling Classes behave and speak as madly as they seem to do.

Trixy said...

What a twat. Firemen should be young, hot men. That's the rule.

That way, at least if your house burns down yiu're in with the chance of a date.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you, Anthony Duggan.

If your parents ever require surgery, I hope it's done by a blind octogenarian alcoholic. I expect one delivered you, you brain-dead fuck.

As long as twits like him call themselves Conservatives, there'll be lines forming to vote BNP.

Lord Elvis of Paisley said...

The LGA is Common Purpose from top to bottom so his story does not surprise me.

Anonymous said...

I want the first priority of my fire service to be physically able to put my fire out and to save the lives of my children, not to just meet some politically correct minority requirement, you stupid twats. I pay my taxes, after all.

We're all doomed. Sorry to say it, but if this is the best example of a human being that our fire service can come up with for an official spokesman (sorry...spokesperson), then there's little hope for us or any of our loved ones.

Mark Wadsworth said...

To be fair, I would expect said Fire Persons to ask me (in the unlikely event that Wadsworth Towers were to go up in flames) to enquire whether any of the household smoked, and when answered in the affirmative to shake their heads sadly and offer me a Nicorette patch while they watch the timbers crash and burn.

Word veri: pleade

Obnoxio The Clown said...

@Trixy, why would I want to date a fireman?

banned said...

Perhaps the Fire Brigade would like me to complete a "victim impact statement" to assess whether I am 'needy' enough before delivering their service.
btw, 'Fire' 'Brigade', all a bit scarily alarmist and militaristic surely ? How about making it more accessible
" 4 U Wen U Is Sad "

Anonymous said...

This problem has deeper aspects in that an ethnic girlie, with a good degree, cannot don a breathing apparatus set, scamper up a long ladder, smash through a big window and carry down a survivor under each arm. In fact getting them up a turntable ladder as much as two stories is traumatic. So the ethnic girlie gets fast promotion out of the operational aspect, where she is an effective liability to any Watch, and into management.
Our local service has learned how to remain operational despite the token girlies.
The next obstacle in “reflecting the local community” is having to recruit foreign nationals. (Say Polish) The job is very technical concerning building structures, hazardous substances and the new Fire Service Regulatory Reform Order. Any misunderstanding of fast-delivered instructions can easily have fatal consequences.
The sadness is that any fit, white, English bloke has next to zero chance of being accepted because there are quotas to fill; or rather diversity targets to meet.
Happily public fire deaths are at a very low level thanks to smoke alarms.

John Pickworth said...

Speaking of daft ideas...

Drivers to have 10-year health checks under driver licence reforms

And you can bet your life it won't be free!

Anonymous said...

"I want the first priority of my fire service to be physically able to put my fire out.."

Indeed. And I wouldn't care if they were all women, if they could do that. But the law of nature is against this happening, so to shoehorn in unsuitable people simply to gain a tick in a box somewhere is nothing short of utter lunacy...

Anonymous said...

This same retarded thinking has been called to apply to the police farce. To truly reflect the local populace we need thickies, thieves, corrupts and sexual deviants represented too. (Oh! Just remembered, they're all repesented 100% in gummint.)

Anonymous said...

I do notice that there are certain jobs that seem to evade this'representation of the local community' bollocks. Namely:

Sewer workers
Building site labourers
Crane drivers (ther really tall ones - cranes, not drivers)
Road workers (the ones that make them)
etc. etc. I am sure there are loads more, but I can't be arsed to type any more.

It seems to me that only the 'easy' jobs (don't give me all that old bollocks about how hard firemn work - well actually they do, it must be fucking really hard hoding down two other jobs when you didn't get enough sleep on blue watch's day shift).

Want social representation in all jobs? - then start with the ones where a days work might kill you through sheer exertion then work upwards. Cunts.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry. Now that the UKs opt out of the 60 hour working week has been scrapped, the fire service wont exist in 2 years time.
