Monday 19 January 2009

I was going to blog about Ken Clarke ...

... but then I read this, and thought, "Why bother?"

Update: OK, there's this as well.


John Pickworth said...

You're not a fan then?


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you'd like a joke instead...

Old woman sitting at home, when her fairy godmother appears and grants her three wishes.

1. She’s 25 again
2. Shes the most beautiful woman in the world.
3. Her old tomcat is turned into the most handsome prince etc

This all happens and the cat/prince is so attractive and sexy (Daniel Craig and Michael Praed all at once) the woman is quite overcome. It gets worse, he walks up to her and her heart is pounding and all sorts of thoughts are going through her head. He leans forward and whispers in her ear causing her to almost faint. The prince says in a voice so sexy she is practically stripping off.

“Bet you wish you hadn’t had me neutered now”