Saturday 10 January 2009

In other news

This sounds pretty good:

"There has been double-digit growth in the economy, and people have a stake in the future because of what Salam Fayyad and others have done to improve conditions there," Walter said. "And Israelis have responded by encouraging economic development. I think that people in the West Bank have a clear sense of what peace would bring them, and that's a prosperous state."

I'm not sure why this aspect of Israeli-Palestinian relations doesn't get more visibility, really. It does show that Israeli people can coexist with Palestinian people.

Hamas’ opposition to a two state solution and commitment to the destruction of the state of Israel

Or this.

My support for Israel this time around does not mean that I bear some mindless hatred of all Palestinians and I would be delighted if there was some way that one flashpoint in the world could be permanently calmed. It strikes me as interesting that there are Arab states who have reached a general state of calm and acceptance with Israel. It shows that it is possible, indeed, it may be the natural state of things once you remove extremists on both sides, that Israelis and Arabs can coexist peacefully, trade and just get along.

Apart from anything else, it would mean one fewer area draining British taxpayer's money to one side or the other or both.


JuliaM said...

"I'm not sure why this aspect of Israeli-Palestinian relations doesn't get more visibility, really. It does show that Israeli people can coexist with Palestinian people."

Because it suits some people to pretend otherwise...?

Dr Evil said...

Brotherly lurve, or just rubbing along doesn't sell papers nor serve as a basis for nasty demonstrations against Israel.

I think there are invisible creatures from dimension X that feed on human emotions and which are currently gorged/gorging on hate.