Whether or not you agree with his politics, he is being taken to court for having offended Muslims by quoting the Koran at them in a way that makes them look backward and barbaric.
I'm not a big fan of people being prosecuted just for being offensive, because I'll be in a world of pain someday myself. Especially when they're just making other people's beliefs public. I find it particularly appalling that the allegedly tolerant Dutch are doing this (just like I find it appalling how the allegedly tolerant English do equally stupid things.)
So click here and help out a man with a very strange hairdo.
As ex-apprentice points out on Cranmer's blog, the prosecution is being driven by EU legislation. The setting happens to be Holland, but that is just incidental. It could as easily - maybe even more easily - happen here because of the drift of our legislation and the supremacy of EU law.
I posted on this yesterday as it's a disgraceful episode.
Freedom of speech is genuinely on the line this time. Naturally, no British politician wants to go anywhere near it.
The Penguin
Isn't freedom of speech protected by the European Court of Human rights? Muslims are not a race. EU laws must be seriously badly drafted if this poor bastard is up before a court. So he insulted Muslims? Did he really? So how come our newspapers and others get away with insulting Christians?
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