The Bank of England is to start ‘printing’ new money for the first time in 30 years as it runs out of options to kick-start the economy. The Governor of the Bank of England will write to the Chancellor within days totell him that they've been doing this for months nowget permission for the unprecedented action.
We already have the police co-opted into doing the government's bidding, a climate of fear and a ruling elite that can steal, cheat and lie with complete impunity. All the Gorgon needs now is to stop shaving his philtrum.
Welcome to Zimbabwe.
What the hell will we do when hyperinflation kicks off? What's the plan?
Damo Mackerel
"What the hell will we do when hyperinflation kicks off? What's the plan?"
piano wire and lamp posts.
Nah...put the kettle on make a cup of tea.
Maybe I should invest in a wheelbarrow company since most people will need one to carry around their money.
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