Sunday, 1 March 2009

I don't believe in global warming ...

... but if you do, take heart from this:

Cement, a vast source of planet-warming carbon dioxide, could be transformed into a means of stripping the greenhouse gas from the atmosphere, thanks to an innovation from British engineers.

According to Novacem, its product can absorb, over its lifecycle, around 0.6 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of cement. This compares to carbon emissions of about 0.4 tonnes per of standard cement.

So, concrete over the planet and everything will be just dandy. Now, can we stop the fucking scaremongering and get on with our fucking lives, please?

PS I'm MUCH more worried about the lack of sunspots and a possibly severe global cooling for a few years. Guess we'll be asked to pump CO2 into the atmosphere if that happens, huh?

PPS Rachael Nutter, head of business incubators at the Carbon Trust -- is that an apt name, or what?


Anonymous said...

What is wrong with your comments?
No acknowledgement, and if you think I'm allowing scripts globally in this day and age, no chance.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

What kind of acknowledgement are you looking for?

Oldrightie said...

Climate changes every bloody day. Sun goes down, it cools and miracle of miracles 12 hours later............
Every day, unbelieveable. We should have a minister for day and one for night.

AntiCitizenOne said...

CO2 is plant-food, don't be a plant-starver!