Monday 27 April 2009

It's Fred Westminster.

Via DK, this:

Jack Straw is a serial killer. The sort whose neighbours say 'such a nice quiet chap. Keeps himself to himself.' Until the police break in and find he's got a fridge full of severed willies and a month-dead rent boy sitting on the sofa. Look at the face, for God's sake. Look at the eyes.

It's Fred Westminster.

What's your favourite?


Henry North London 2.0 said...

Actually Obo I posted it up first then everyone took it from me

I found juliette sniff

not that I mind but credit due where it is due

Dave H said...

She must 'write' professionally -it's just too good for a part-time scribbler.

I don't even dare leave a comment there, it would drag the whole thing down.

(By implication that shows what I think of Obo's writing)

Henry North London 2.0 said...

She doesnt and she is longing for a book deal...

Obnoxio The Clown said...

@Henry ... sorry.