Thursday, 29 October 2009

Another poll you may feel inspired to contribute to



Beware of Geeks bearing GIFs said...

I don't need a fucking 4 page survey to say what I want to say to them: just a inputbox with the following text:

"you are a mendacious, overpriced, sanctimonious bunch of lefty cunts churning out dumbed down crap and propaganda - pravda could only have dreamed about becoming what you are - I wipe my arse daily with my now defunct TV licence"

and breath....

BTS said...

I had fun doing that. I don't whether anyone will enjoy reading it so much though..

Simon Cooke said...

Thank you for the link - I did so enjpy filling in that survey!!!

Joe Public said...

Most Useful.

Especially the bit about the Nthrn Irish, Scots & Welsh getting preferential treatment, but us English not getting a Licence-Fee rebate.

Mitch said...

He he he I been a bad boy with the form.

Pedro Von Mises said...

Thanks for the link Obo.

A few of my responses.

Q9: What do you think of daytime programming on BBC One and BBC Two?

Worse than I had hoped. I suppose the mentally challenged housebound may find some comfort

Q5: What, if anything, makes the BBC’s television channels different and stand apart from those of other broadcasters?

The moral smugness and the ability to spend £5.5billion

Diplodocus Rex said...

I feel so much better for that. I can't see them publishing the results though.