Friday 9 October 2009

The downside of the Nobel Peace Prize


The Nobel Committee has created a pretty little problem for White House counsel Greg Craig this morning. The value of the gift is $1.4 million. Technically, it’s a “Foreign Official Gift,” so it has to be retained by the U.S. government. Donating the money to charity will be very difficult, because first the gift will have to pass through the president’s hands -and the law requires that he must spend $1.4 million of his own money to buy the $1.4 million from the U.S. government.

Schadenfreude ... it's always just around the corner!


sixtypoundsaweekcleaner said...

A bit like my spag bol.

Henry North London 2.0 said...

He could always refuse the prize and have it given to the second choice!


Jayce Kay said...

Maybe he'll 'donate' the money to the little worshipper of the 'religion of peace' that's currently stating that the western world has the wrong idea of Sharia Law ...

Dalia Mogahed start her own little jihad against the kuffars with a bag of loot that size.

Lester Taylor said...

So the US government and a charity benefit at the expense of the guy who should not have won it. Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Ha! You've made my day Obo, good spot!

Joe Public said...

Could have been worse, it could have been given to Hilary C

Anonymous said...

What the fuck has he done to warrant the Nobel Peace Prize...after just 9 months in office?

All this amounts to is the curry-favouring of the US, and nothing more!

Anonymous said...

the person who said that 'the little worshipper' etc...'stating that the Western world has the wrong idea of Sharia Law', might return to Rowan Williams writings and speeches and consider thinking beyond what is said in the literal sense and trying to understand. We will never progress with regards to peaceful endeavours if we can't bear to think about and 'listen' (in the true sense) to what we sometimes don't understand or find difficult to think about.

Oleuanna said...

Thank you Henry North of London my point entirely...and of which I would have commended him for....

But nooooooo fucking vanity..!