Saturday, 27 February 2010

David Cameron Poster



BTS said...

That's spooky. I was just about to say the same thing..

w/v: undemic - the best definition of swine flu I've yet to see.

Atheist Ranter said...

You'd probably still not be able to see it even if the pic was head to toe....

Blind Pugh said...

Well, since his face looks like a big bellend knob we can safely say his cock is on show all the time.

Where did the Tories find this useless twat?

Oldrightie said...

You could never say that about Snotty, his is always up somebody's anus.

BTS said...

As it transpires I'd left my webcam so a few people did notice..

On the plus side I got loads of hits.

Fidothedog said...

Fucking ace.