Thursday, 29 April 2010

A gurning fuck knuckle speaks

I just watched "it", you know, the snot-gargling Scottish fuckmonkey's latest clusterfuck (because somehow, "faux pas" just doesn't cut it) and the thing that struck me was his rictus grin during his equally appalling mea culpa press meeting.

It wasn't the embarrassed, shamefaced grin of someone ashamed of what they've done. It was the arrogant sneer of someone saying "well, if I do this little thing, I can get away with fucking anything - you people are so fucking dumb."

I can't, offhand, think of anyone I have ever despised so much. I don't just want him gone. I want him crushed, destroyed and forced to contemplate his fall from grace for a very, very long time.

The utter, unspeakable, motherfucking cunt.


Dippyness. said...

Hmmm....Think Blair & Mandy are on an equal par in my book...Agree though.

Anonymous said...

I get the feeling he won't be joining you on one of your deviant weekends then?

Ed P said...

Come on Obo, say what you really mean - don't let him off with such a meek assessment!

Blind Pugh said...

I agree about the grinning. It looked like he was being interviewed after the birth of yet another child, rather than having a new arsehole ripped open by an angry pensioner he dared call a bigot. The demented bellend has totally lost the plot.

microdave said...

I guess that's finished any chance of Nu Liebor canvassers knocking on my door.

Bugger - I was REALLY looking forward to them....

Blind Pugh said...

You couldn't make this stuff up. From the BBC News Website:-

Gordon Brown does not seem to have learned enough from the unplanned broadcast of his comments about Gillian Duffy, the BBC's Carole Walker says. He failed to take his radio microphone off again after a brief walkabout in Manchester at the end of a day dominated by his unguarded comments. This time the camera crew stopped him to remove it before he said much more.

Pity they didn't let him keep it on so we could hear more of his inane, vile drivellings.

sixtypoundsaweekcleaner said...

I thought it would be Afghanistan that would be his downfall...

Anonymous said...

No,no,no...I want him to get the greatest majority of all time in his pig-fucking Labour fiefdom, but to be only Labourcunt standing.

Not going to happen...

BUT imagine him staggering, doped up to the eyeballs, into the Commons and being guided into a quiet corner and seated behind the silly cunts who want Cornish independence...

Himself said...

Oh dear -- the truth revealed. That's the last thing No Labour were intending! That nice Mr Blair hit the shit a while back outside a hospital in Birmingham when he had to (uughh!) speak to a real person about her real concern. Now the Son of the Manse has proved he's no readier to listen to the electorate than Tone was. THe whole prpoject is based on ignoring the people who they're supposed (hysterical laughter!) to represent.

And, by the way, where IS Tone? I thought they were trotting him out as Chief Conman for the duration of these awful 21 days? Perhaps they DID throw away the key.....good job!

Smiffy said...

Obo, you have to stop using the word 'cunt' when referring to the living abortion that is Gordon Brown. The word 'cunt' is reserved for a person for whom no other epithet is sufficient to convey the degree of contempt levelled at said person. Unfortunately, even the Worlds most complex & colourful language, namely English, falls far short when addressing a person of such loathesomeness that even Satan himself would deny association. I suggest a new word, not only for Brown but for any of the Hadean affliction known as the Labour Party...

'Rubean' after the Roman Geomantic figure Rubeus, meaning (conveniently) 'Red'. A symbol quote "of such ill-portent that once drawn would require the reader to protect against imminent death & all manner of misfortune" & associated with disease, corruption, theft, lying, sexual deviance & violent death. Even to speak of or write that name is to attract misfortune apparently.

Sounds like the Labour manifesto to me :)