Tuesday 4 May 2010

LPUK Manifesto


If you're lucky enough to be able to vote for an LPUK candidate, please do so!


Quiet_Man said...

Nice, no LPUK here in my territory though. Either Eng Dems or UKIP as a real choice to the mainstream clones. There are of course the BNP, but I wont vote for any left wing party.

Vladimir said...

This is an excellent piece of work. I particularly like the writing style.

Sadly no LPUK here either. Going to vote Libdem: anyone but the useless Tories...

Angry Exile said...

I was hoping for an LPUK candidate but my choices were some time serving local council prick on the traditional Labour political career path, an equally dislikable Tory, and a Liberal Democrat who I couldn't be arsed to check our since the LibDems have as many deal breakers for me as the Tories and Labour have. Then there was the BNP, which are just Old Labour with xenophobia, and the Greens who won't be happy until we're all forced to stop reading when the sun goes down and burning dung to keep our wattle and daub huts warm. The two least worst were a mad independent and UKIP who lost me with the insane burqa ban idea. I went to some effort to get registered for an overseas vote and it was a complete fucking waste of time, because not one of them was worth the trouble. For the first time ever I've chucked my vote away and told my proxy to spoil the ballot. Some time later this year I'll have to go through the same fucking thing here, and I expect the same thing to happen.

Anonymous said...

Sounds great, but can you imagine the mayhem caused by thousands of horrified lefties rioting in the streets if it was implemented?