Monday 17 May 2010

Regulation, regulation, regulation ...

So, we need regulation to protect us from the evils of capitalism, do we?

Business practices which killed workers were declining before there were bureaucrats to insist upon business practices which didn't kill workers.

Business practices which did kill workers declined just as fast after we had bureaucrats to stop business practices which kill workers as before. Business practices which kill workers declined just as fast before we had bureaucrats to stop practices which kill workers as afterwards.

The value of bureaucrats making rules so that business doesn't kill workers therefore seems to be zero.

A study of workplace accidents in the USA shows absolutely no change to the rate of decline in worker deaths after the creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Go check the graph if you don't believe me. So why are we paying for these regulatory bodies and why are we paying for their regulation?


Ryan said...

19th century literacy rates show a similar level of fuck all response to the education act.

Kingbingo said...

It’s also telling that the founders of the NHS did not attack the quality of care available at the time, even for the poorest, Britain was regarded as having excellent heart care for all. The founders of the NHS did not create hundreds of modern hospitals, they seized them.

Yet you ask the average person today and they think that masses of people were dying in the street before the NHS, and they will be again if healthcare was returned to the private sector.