Wednesday 12 May 2010

So: farewell then ...

... you fat, blithering, incompetent, venal, mendacious, arrogant, unpleasant, cowardly, greedy, power-hungry cunt of a freak.

And so the mighty New Labour project draws to an end, not with a bang but merely a shambolic whimper. Gordon was unpleasant and utterly self-centred to the fucking end. Imagine saying how being a father and a husband was more important than running the fucking cuntry. Listen you monocular mong, there are fucking millions of fathers in this country, there's no fucking way I'm swallowing that shit that what we all do is more important than running the fucking cuntry. No wonder it's such a fucking Christless mess!

In my opinion, Labour have fucked the Tories good and proper one last time, bowing themselves out to regroup, let the Tories take the flak for the impending clusterfuck and then charging back in on their white horse, taxing and spending to save the world.

I think a Lib-Lab coalition would have flushed both these odious turds down the shitter of history. Although it may have taken two or three flushes to get the enormous turd that is the Labour Party round the u-bend.

I think the Lib-Con coalition will probably flush the useless Cameroons down the toilet of history instead -- which is no great loss.

So, what can iDave salvage from this catastrophe? Well, he could do a lot worse than implement the Limp Dumb £10,000 tax-free policy for the poorest. He can use the Limp Dumbs as an excuse not to ringfence the NHS (or anything else.) He could stick a Limp Dumb into the Home Orifice and get huge swathes of illiberal Stasi state repealed without offending the Turnip Taliban, or whatever the fuck they're called.

He can have a referendum on PR while it's fresh in everyone's mind just how fucking democratic that is. And he can use the Limp Dumbs to give us that old "in or out" EU referendum he promised us in such a cast-iron way.

Yeah, right!


Ross said...

"So Farewell then... you fat, blithering, incompetent, venal, mendacious, arrogant, unpleasant, cowardly, greedy, power-hungry cunt of a freak."

Well if you don't want my readership then I will take myself elsewhere.

Oh wait you weren't talking about me.

JohnRS said...

"iDave could...."

But what if he does?

Leg-iron said...

I thought of putting up:


Farewell then,

Brown Gorgon.

Don't come back.

but it didn't seem like enough.

The Cameroid could put through a lot of stuff and even engineer a split with Europe if he's devious enough.

I don't think he is. We'll see.