Thursday 30 October 2008

Ross and Brand

I generally don't pay much attention to the lives of luvvies, but you can hardly escape this little clusterfuck. For what my opinion is worth (nothing!) I think that a) both of them showed very poor taste and on a personal level I'd kick both of them in the balls if I were Andrew Sachs; b) the show should never have been aired, and the BBC producer responsible should get the sack; and c) Brand went up the tiniest of notches in my estimation for resigning.

Ross, on the other hand, has shown himself to be a money-grubbing coward and can go help himself to a large helping of "shut the fuck up" pie from here on in. I hope that Ross's career is fucked from here on in, the cowardly little lisping cunt.


Dungeekin said...

So after all the wecwiminations, complaints and public outwage, the BBC have done the decent thing and suspended Wussell Bwand and Jonathan Woss.


Their actions were insulting and demeaning, and how this pair of twats and their wespective 'pwoducers' could have considered this amusing is beyond me.

Wule of thumb, gentlemen - if your 'pwank' is something that would, if delivered face-to-face, get you a punch on the nose then it's pwobably something you shouldn't do.

Of course, I also fail to understand the need for our worthy politicians to stick their oars in - while the cwass actions of these two embawwassingly-coiffed 'slebs' were outwageous, it's a matter for their Management, not our so-called Leaders. So I think we've probably heard enough about these two jumped-up, overpaid and infantile idiots and their asinine antics - they'll suffer enough in the long wun.

I've never liked Bwand anyway. It seemed to me that his only talents were the dwess-sense of a Kings Cwoss dosser and hair by Van De Graaff.

Oh, and Wossie? I had your missus mate. Hurgh hurgh hurgh. Yeah, that's dead funny that.

A couple of wight woyal rankers, both of 'em.

Mark Wadsworth said...

I'd never liked with of them, but the bit in today's Metro was cool. Apparently Wossy suggested breaking in to Sachs' house to erase the tape and embellished this with the immortal phrase "What could possibly go wrong?"

Obnoxio The Clown said...

I can see that Wossy is completely repentent then.

With role models like this, is it any wonder that the UK is filled with greedy, shameless, feral fuckwits?

Anonymous said...

Last week we had wall to wall Corfu goings on. This week it's tasteless comments.

Damn good job our economy isn't tanking and that families are not having their homes repossessed.

Pity Lennon/Harrison are dead otherwise we could have a will they/won't they perform again story.

Anonymous said...

And while the BBb spends money on this, and lays themselves open to being sued, who's benefitting...?

The newspapers. The ones who've been whipping up this little shitstorm.

And who will pay? Why, anyone who has a TV licence, naturally...

Anonymous said...

Dear Wossy

Ive shagged your daughter!

Whos laughing now ?


Gary Glitter.

Dr Evil said...

I think it's over for Ross at the BBC. Mind you he probably has the gall to look them in the eye on radio 2. After all, he is worth 1000 BBC journalists apparently. What a smug bastard he is.