Wednesday 12 November 2008

Approaching the kilowrist barrier!

Lots of fat pipe grabbing:

The geneticists are especially upset as they have plans to run even more comprehensive genetic sequencing experiments, routinely producing 30 TB. Rather meaninglessly, the ASU press office say that this is equivalent to "an iPod with 15 million songs".

Putting that into terms we can all understand, one might say that if you had that amount of uncompressed 1080p full high-definition pornographic video, it would take four days without sleep to watch it.


If one were to use a pipe of such fatness as an uncompressed-1080p HD smut hose, it could fill 23 screens simultaneously without trouble. Using compression, and accepting a less detailed but still pleasingly sharp 720 x 480 image, it would be possible to satisfy no fewer than 700 vid-hungry onanists at once - approaching the magical "kilowrist barrier".

1 comment:

Leg-iron said...

When I worked for other people, anyone claiming RSI had to endure comments such as 'Wanker's Wrist'.

Four days of porn, without sleep? It might be hard to explain to a doctor why your wrist (and other parts) are swollen and blue, but it might help with this.