Wednesday 5 November 2008

It's official then

We are so fucked. All of us.


TheFatBigot said...

His wife scares me more than he does. There's just something about her that screams "prima donna". I can see her getting her teeth into some ill thought out pet projects and causing real trouble. Time will tell.

Roger Thornhill said...

Unless the recount was to go on for the next 4 years, we were going to be screwed either way.

Mrs Obama does have the Cherie about her, for sure.

Guthrum said...

Repeat after me- America is a foreign country that we do not have a say in.

We live in a country where we have a leader that none of us voted for. We are fucked already

John Pickworth said...

"Mrs Obama does have the Cherie about her, for sure"

Actually, having watched some of her campaign stuff, I keep thinking we're looking at Hillary (the First Lady not the Presidential hopeless incarnation).

I imagine Mr President will toss her a big sack of cash and tell her to dish it out to some homeless Ivy League black kids. Meanwhile back in the Oval Office 'Snoopy Doggy' Obama is wrestling with important issues like how to pimp-up the Presidential Limo. Sorry, I know that's a tiny bit racist but the draft dodger probably deserves it.... yeah so what if he was eight years old? He still dodged didn't he?

Obnoxio The Clown said...

@guthrum: if America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. That's still true, and if you think things were bad now, wait until Obamalamadingdong starts fucking up the US economy like FDR did.

Anonymous said...

And we wouldn't have been fucked with that fucking *mentalist* voted in as VP? Good grief.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

@Bristols: We've got Dracula's Bride doing the Hillary to Obamalamadingdong's Bill. She's going to make Palin look sensible.

Wait and see.

John Pickworth said...

Palin might have turned a few off with her overly cutesy/folky act but she had a brilliant politically inciteful gift for speaking it straight. Her message really resonated with the average Joes, as evidenced by the HUGE crowds at her rallies. Contast that with the ol' timer, his blind dog and the tumbleweed that turned up to Biden's on a good day. We shouldn't underestimate Sarah Palin nor allow the media's jaundiced portrayal of her to colour our opinions so easily.

If the media were doing its job properly and shining the same kind of light on Obama and his sidekick Biden things might have been different. Truly a case of better the devil you know... the real danger is electing those you don't know. And I think we've done just that.