Wednesday 5 November 2008

Random post election thought

I was just sitting here thinking that at least, unlike slotgob, I could vaguely imagine myself boffing Michelle Obamalamadingdong. But while I was looking for a photo to put up here to support my thesis, I found a very strange thing: every single close-up photo I can find shows something rather dark and sinister in her eyes. I am now utterly freaked out and slightly queasy.

If Obama can stick his cock in that face to face, he's a braver man than I am.


Mark Wadsworth said...

Does it still count as necrophilia if you're boffing one of The Undead?

Ronnie Stooge said...

Def boffable...but you're right about 'that look'.

Forget queasy - my advice is go for the 'beer glasses'...

Mark Wadsworth said...

It's back to the earth-filled coffin for Mrs O!

Her hubbie has just announced a New Dawn.