Wednesday, 26 November 2008

There's nowt so queer as folk!

So, survey results are in. I'm seriously impressed. Thinking of Anne Widdicombe in mid stroke would probably wilt me completely, so hats off to the 20% of you who chose her as a mild passion-killer.

Only 10% felt that Tessa's Jowls would do the job, which was my choice.

Unlike the 10% of you who thought "Tits" would put you off your stroke, I could imagine having a lot of fun with her, a ball gag and some Rohypnol; I disagree in a similar vein with the majority of people (24%) who felt Harmperson would do the trick -- nothing that a ball gag and Rohypnol wouldn't fix. And the videos would be something to treasure forever.

19% of you felt that the Chipmunk was a passionkiller, personally, I think she is probably a lot of fun in bed. I've no idea why I think this.

Moving over to the gay blokes: Gorgon wins this erection, followed by Meltyface, Fatso and Mike the Impaler.


Bernard said...

"I think she (Hazel) is probably a lot of fun in bed"

You may be right.
There is an old saying "Red Hat, No Drawers" Maybe it also applies to Red Hair?
Or it could be you like the way she gets her leg over that motorbike.

Anonymous said...

I scrawled the following at Mrs Dale's about a month ago.

"At the very least, Salford's pocket Venus is the Comical Ali of Westminster. If you are non-Anglophone or if you simply turn the sound down, then she is the hottest thing since Anita Ekberg."

An old roué called Wrinkled Weasel then went off on some lurid fantasy about getting wet with Hazel in the Trevi Fountain, but I am aware that there are a fair proportion of hair-trigger satyromaniacs in this forum so will leave it there. Anita, poor cow, is also not quite the totty she was.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Aha, now you've explained the rules properly, can I change my vote? Not that I'm sure whom I chose in the first place...