Under Labour 1964-70, the stock market’s real return (adjusted for inflation) went down by 13 per cent. Under Labour 1974-79 (which included Denis Healey’s grovelling to the IMF), it went down by 11.5 per cent. Under Mr Brown, the London stock market’s decline in real return is more than 20 per cent.
More than 20 per cent!? Fucking hellski!
It's an international problem, which started in America....
A big boy did it and ran away.
It's about half the level of pension declines.
That's not news though, I first read this five years ago and have been waiting for the FTSE to really crash ever since - somewhere below the 3,000 level it was at when we marched into Iraq would be nice.
People never learn, do they?
Thats why everyone jumped onto investing in houses as a way of making profits, thereby ramping up the house price bubble.
If the Stock Market started giving decent returns, they'd all jump the housing market ship and we'd all be able to afford them again.
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