Monday 15 March 2010

Gun control does not reduce violent crime



Chatsworth Buccaneer said...

This all makes perfect sense. And to be honest, it would be a good solution to your previous post.

I am Stan said...

Yo Obo,they do say an armed society is a polite society.

Pogo said...

Although my gut feeling is that this does make some sense, it's worth remembering that Stossel has about the same aptitude for statistics as Michael Mann or Phil JOnes. :-)

AntiCitizenOne said...

Who'd have thought that disarming law abiding people and leaving only criminals and the state with guns would have that effect?

Anonymous said...

Buggerin buggery I've lost it. I had stored in my PC a few articles from the USA about gun law and crime and concealed carry etc etc now I can't find them.

Anyway from memory there is a direct correlation between high gun ownership and low crime. Who'd a thunk it eh?

Anonymous said...

what the fuckety fuck cuntety cunt? you not fucking dead yet parasite

Anonymous said...

'This all makes perfect sense. And to be honest, it would be a good solution to your previous post.'

shoot them all ? well yes, drastic but no doubt effective. i have dreams of lining all wankers up against a wall and doing that but i'm not sure where to get all the bullets from.

Quent said...

The reason there's gun control is that some of you lads seem to be unwilling to follow the commands of Supreme Leader Brown and Deputy Supreme Leader Harman. Even though they know best.

If you had guns some of you might be tempted to destroy the harmony of The Collective.

Anonymous said...

Gun control doesn't work, because there is no such thing.

Gun control, if they ever did it, would require depriving the criminals, and the terrorists, as well as the law abiding, of guns and ammunition. They don't even attempt to do that. They just persecute the innocent, as usual.

The Whited Sepulchre said...

Hail Brittania, land of the Victim Disarmament Laws !

(If any of you want to go shooting out in the countryside just for the hell of it, come to Texas !)

This offer does not extend to Obnoxio, since I wouldn't let him get close to any weapon of any kind.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

Guess who's flying in to Dee Eff Dubya one of these days? :o)