Sunday, 8 August 2010


@mrcivlib I've not argued for state using force on its own citizens

-- Sunny Hundal, supporter of the smoking ban, supporter of tax and spend and social democrat


He's Spartacus said...

I generally find, when sparring with Sunny, that he speaks a different language.

Martin said...

Statists don't like the curtain being pulled back on the State. Once it becomes clear the state is an institution of coercive force, any moral argument for their welfare state, or indeed any sort of policy, falls flat.

Dick Puddlecote said...

Good grief.

Vladimir said...

Orwellian definition of "force" here. No doubt an anti-smoker will be along to point out that "we're not forcing anyone not to smoke; we are simply offering them the choice to become smoke free". Modern government never forces anyone to do anything, it merely offers a choice between freedom and prosecution.

Private Widdle said...

Ah, you have failed to recognise that the Righteous know what is good for you, and that does not constitute "force".

Anonymous said...

Prehaps the most scary thing about the modern day left is the total lack of any self awareness. This man actually believes what he says.

Idle Pen Pusher said...

Why are they never honest about what they believe in?