Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Labour, as ever the party that champions civil liberties (for @lukeakehurst )

Recent comment on twitter, by Labour NEC member, Luke Akehurst:

Dog Control Orders being discussed now - serious issue in Hackney's parks and open spaces

My rather inevitable response to this further encroachment of the state into things that are really not any of its fucking business was:

Oh for *fuck's* sake. What a load of utter cunt!

Luke then asked:

any particular reason for that reaction? "Status dogs" owned by gang members r serious menace in local parks

Dude! Seriously?

do you *really* think a gang is going to pay any fucking attention?

Luke's devastating response:

they will get fined if they ignore it

Right, so a gang member that is quite happy to own an illegal dog and possibly train it to be an attack dog is going to be so fucking terrified of a doggy ASBO and a fine that he's going to turn into a productive member of society instead?


Are you fucking serious?

These are the same people who collect ASBO's as a badge of honour. They are absolutely unafraid of the ASBO system. Do you not think that perhaps they may regard a doggy ASBO as a badge of honour for their dogs?

Do you really, REALLY think they're going to give a flying fuck about your stupid fucking nanny state horseshit?

Christ. Is there no end to human stupidity?


Vladimir said...

The problem is not inadequate laws, but rather inadequate law enforcement. However, government can't do anything but introduce new laws, so their response to any problem is always the same. More laws.

Andrew said...

"Right, so a gang member that is quite happy to own an illegal dog and possibly train it to be an attack dog is going to be so fucking terrified of a doggy ASBO and a fine that he's going to turn into a productive member of society instead?"

But that's not the aim is it?

They're after easy money from little old women who might let their poodle off the lead for a minute. Or any other soft target that won't fight back.

The "enforcers" of all of these pathetic measures never, ever go after the real criminals.

And I'm sure Labour filth like Luke's fully aware of this.

Mitch said...

"Christ. Is there no end to human stupidity? "

Apparently not. we as a species are devolving....I'm sure of it.

JuliaM said...

"But that's not the aim is it?

They're after easy money from little old women who might let their poodle off the lead for a minute."

Spot on!

dbmaverick said...

So what should the response be? Perhaps the residents should get tooled up and give the gangs a beating? That'll learn 'em

Obnoxio The Clown said...

dbmaverick, I am not proposing an answer, but it's clear to me that yet another fatuous bit of regulation that criminals won't pay a blind bit of attention to definitely is NOT the answer.

I do not subscribe to the view that "something must be done, this is something, so let's do this."

Dr Evil said...

A fine! Shock horror! That's so terrifying. How about a license to carry a concealed gun, a pistol in public? Would need a few laws reppealed and so on but it would make the morons think twice if they knew some potential victims could easily fight back, and win.

Michael Fowke said...

Someone should set a pack of dogs on the twat.

kitler said...

Just make people accountable for the actions of any dog under their control. If it attacks someone then make them liable for all the medical costs plus compo for the victim and enforce non payment with minimum five year stretches.