Wednesday 20 May 2009

I'd like to buy some Cheese, please


Anonymous said...

I thought this might have been the Monty Python "Cheese Shop" sketch, instead I find some tuneless idiot murdering a great song. I'm going to blow the dust off my record player and hear it done properly....

Anonymous said...

I'm going to blow the dust off my record player and hear it done properly....

Ah, the Rolf Harris version!

Worth digging out if you can find it is a whole album of STH covers. Some great ones on there.

My personal fravourite cover is by Dread Zeppelin.

Frank Zappa did a good one too, with a whole horn section playing Page's solo.

microdave said...

I've heard the original (vinyl) one so many times - complete with scratches - that if I play a digital re-mastered version it doesn't sound right...

Not much of a Cheese Shop, is it?

Anonymous said...

tell the fucker not give up his daytime job

Barnsley Bill said...

You should be stabbed for posting that.

Leg-iron said...

Less than a minute in and I had to burn my headphones.

Can it get more shocking?

Only a Captain Beefheart cover can save us now...

Funny there don't seem to be any.