Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Britain is broken in many different ways

So after the bullygate polling, I was curious:

A YouGov poll carried out for the Sun after the Rawnsley revelations and has the Tories up two to 41 with Labour dropping four to 29. This poll has, obviously, been taken at the worst time for Labour but, at first blush, it does suggest that the bullying allegations have cut through.

Is it just me who finds this incredibly depressing? Are the British so fickle that some sleaze will take the shine off the Prime Mentalist and then after a week or two, the sleaze will be forgotten and Gorgon's share price will start going up again? I mean, the fucker has ruined the country, fucked it sixteen ways from Sunday, and people are losing a bit of faith in him because he chucks Nokias around? For a couple of days, anyway.

It's true. We really do deserve the government we get.

Update: It seems that someone got their facts wrong. Cunts.


JuliaM said...

"Is it just me who finds this incredibly depressing? Are the British so fickle that some sleaze will take the shine off the Prime Mentalist and then after a week or two, the sleaze will be forgotten and Gorgon's share price will start going up again?"

No. And yes.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Excellent. My master plan is working.

Sod It said...

...and people are losing a bit of faith in him because he chucks Nokias around?

What made you think people had any faith in him in the first place?

Y'know what? This whole 'bullygate' thing is making me warm to the man. Seriously. Gordon the Kickboxing King is just the type of cunt we need in No.10. Let's face it, the next incumbent will be a complete fucking pussy.

Better to have a cunt than a pussy...

Anonymous said...

Quivering sphincter time for Cameron and he deserves it.

And yes, the people deserve the government they get.

It is dead easy, promise a free multi-pack Stella for voting and a pair of knocked off Adidas to 30% of the voters and Brown is home.

BTS said...

Did you just write something vaguely serious..?

Without the merest hint of a ballpoint in sight..?

Are you taking the fucking piss?

But it is rather tragic how the update actually highlights your point.

Bottle of vodka and slitty wrists time for I reckon..